Tried carving my halloween pumkin different this year, it was pretty fun:
Halloween is fun, we always have fun making costumes and carving jack-o-lanterns. For some reason I really like pumkins. I have a dream to one day live on enough land that I can have a pumpkin patch and then sell the pumkins each year around Halloween at a roadside stand. I think that sounds fun.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by
10:37 AM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Vote Third Party!
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. "
- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802) 3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)
That's a good quote, I don't know if anyone else noticed the bait and switch pulled on us. First the $700 billion "bailout", that apparently wasn't even needed since all the world banks got together and basically created a new global central banking infrastructure, so what to do with the $700 billion? Oh don't worry they had all that figured out up front, instead of using that money to buy the infamous "illiquid" mortgage assets, they'll just use that money instead to have the government take major ownership positions in the HEALTHY banks.
Well enjoy it, you are watching the nationalization of our economy a coup of our government. Don't worry, if it bothers you, just change the channel.
Vote third party, it doesn't matter which one, just pick one.
Posted by
7:02 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Where we're headed:
I'm not quite as alarmist as this guy:
We face extreme danger. Unless there is immediate intervention on every front by all the major powers acting in concert, we risk a disintegration of global finance within days. Nobody will be spared, unless they own gold bars.
-Ambrose Evans-Prichard
...but he's probably smarter than me...
Here's a little powerpoint I made that tries to explain a few things. I might expand on it a bit later.
I was pretty shocked when I ran the linear regression from the peak of the 1987 boom and that simple math formula almost exactly predicted the bust that would follow it (it's about midway through the video). One would assume then that the crash we are witnessing today would only fall to about 9500 based on the linear regression, however that doesn't really take into account any other increases in prices that may occur as all this money leaves the stock market in an effort to find a safer place to live.
I guess the main thing I've come to realize lately is that the rise in stock prices over the past 20 or 30 years is primarily a result of the Federal Government inflating the currency. The reason we haven't necessarily seen such dramatic price increases as a result of the inflation in other parts of our lives is because the stock market was rapidly growing and able to create a demand for money that kept up with the inflation of it. But what we are getting ready to witness is a giant devaluation of the stock market. All that money will want to go somewhere, once that money leaves the "bubble" of the stock market and starts to enter into other parts of the economy we will begin to see prices rise, probably starting with gold.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
How to get your money back.
So if this bailout cost $700 billion, and in 2006 there was an estimated 136 million federal tax returned filed, less 43.4 million with no tax liability (or get a refund). For the remaining 92.6 million returns each taxpayer would have put in $7,559.40 for the financial bailout. If you just divide it by the total number of all Americans (301 million) it comes to $2,325.58 per person.
How do we get that money back?
Here's what I say, with all the new credit that's been made available by the new bill, lets take out some credit cards and purchase $7,559.40 in gold coins with them.
And that's it...pretty easy huh?
Get in on the action now, because as people start buying the gold coins the price will go up. This is how inflation works. Generally the banks get to take advantage of the new money before it inflates, but now is your chance!
If your thinking "Gee, I probably can't afford to make payments on $7,559.40". Well that's ok, do your best, if you start running out of money because bread cost $15.00 a loaf for some reason don't worry about the credit card company, the government will bail them out. They really can't afford for the credit card companies to fail. It really is a win/win for everyone. Especially considering that when the government has to step in to bail out the credit card company you didn't pay (again) that will cause even more inflation and will in turn make your gold coins even more valuable!
Here's a link to get you started:
Posted by
1:22 PM