Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Insurance

Here's my question, does your auto insurance cover oil changes? No? Do you know why? Because there is a 100% chance that you will get an oil change, there is no way to insure against it.

Insurance by it's nature is a transference of risk from you to another party. That party accepts payment of a premium calculated based on the likelihood of the incident being insured against actually taking place and the cost and frequency of the incident. If the likelihood of the incident is 100% then the premium would just cost the amount of the incident times the frequency of the incident over the time period being covered by the policy (plus overhead to operate the insurance company).

Most of us think that our insurance plans should cover everything, office visits, prescriptions, etc. well this is stupid. What you are doing in actuality is simply paying an insurance company to pay your doctor bill. just pay it yourself? Weird idea I know. Real insurance would only cover those events with a statistical likelihood of occurrence of less than one, all other expenses would come out of your pocket and be negotiated directly between you and your provider.

When you involve a 3rd party payor, you have paid to extricate yourself from the process of negotiating your healthcare costs. When you do this you have basically given the healthcare and insurance industries the permission to spend your money how THEY see fit. So prices get disjointed from reality, and it naturally creates a kind of "ponzi scheme" where as long as more people are paying in than are taking out then the system continues to work. Add onto this government manipulation of healthcare prices and procedures via the printing of fiat currency to pay for programs such as medicare and medicade (this causes price increases simply due to the effects of inflation), and government regulations such as those regarding emergency room treatment, and you have the perfect storm for an out of control fake economy and you and I the consumer get caught in the middle with no power no control it. And that's the idea, because then we turn to congress to fix the problem. More stupidity on our part.

The insidious thing is that the way the law currently exists just ENCOURAGES this to happen. Why? Because "they" want single payer healthcare. The same "they" that gave us the IRS. In order for our consumer based economy to work as many people as possible have to waste thier lives away toiling in some beurocracy so that they can earn fake money to purchase cheap junk made by slaves in third world countries. Naturally, as people who wish to be seen as moral, we would resist such an idea, but along comes our favorite government programs (most of which are only necessary because government intervention has priced the average consumer out of the market for whatever the government program is providing), the fear of going to jail for not giving the government YOUR money (the illegal and unconstitutional IRS), and the fear of getting sick and not being able to pay for it, add all this together and whammo, they've got you convinced to commit a excruciatingly long and drawn out form of suicide called the "American Dream".

The best thing to do about all this is to WAKE UP!

Monday, September 21, 2009

How to destroy a nation.

(A thought inspired from this article.)

The destruction of the family is key to creating a population of adult children who are incapable of reasoning for themselves. These people must look toward "big brother" (if you will) to make decisions for them. Strong families raise children who are capable of entering the world as individuals, responsible for their own actions, and most importantly equipped with the mental and intestinal attributes that are required to take any independent action at all.

I believe we are preparing to enter a time of American history that has never before been seen. A time when most of the adults in society will have been raised in single parent homes, or otherwise in homes where the traditional family is non existent. Some exceptions aside, most of these people will be incapable of reasoning and will have a profound dependence upon the state for survival.

The tools used to destroy families, are:
  • materialism, a constant barrage of newly created needs and wants that drives the individual to consume meaninglessly;
  • debt, the method used to achieve the materialism, this includes fiat debt based currency;
  • an unnatural/unsatisfying work environment, meaningless bureaucratic positions that pay just enough to expand the personal debt but never enough to pay it off, this work environment provides little real satisfaction (satisifaction is a marketed good used to sell a variety of products, if the work place were to provide that it would be defeating its own purpose), most of these work environments will look very similar to high school in their social interactions and politics;
  • compulsory state education, both parents being occupied in their work environments in order to keep up with the demands of college, mortgage, and consumer debt, children will be educated by the state and taught how to accept the unnatural as normal (and this is also why the work environment so closely resembles the adolescent drama of high school, the purpose of the education system is to ensure that adult thought processes are inhibited prior to the person being released into society).
  • continuing education, "Education" (meaning the certifications provided by the state), will be believed to be the key to progressing in life. This will keep the public constantly and willingly indoctrinated, while at the same time burdening themselves with debt that not only has no asset but also is not subject to discharge due to bankruptcy, thereby requiring the debtor to use their "education" to enter into the bureaucracy and continue the cycle. Education is not inherently evil of course, however just like a hammer, you can use it to build something, but it's easier to use it to kill something.
  • television/entertainment media, any time that a family may spend alone where individual conversations may take place will be controlled by television or other media. In this way the nature of any conversation will be controlled by the subject matter of the tv program, video game, music, etc. Education, Television programs, and other entertainment will promote the unnatural idea that children are to rebel against their parents, and that strong family relationships are unnatural, this will be seen as normal. Children will be taught via television that parents are unreliable sources of wisdom, and that wisdom should be sought from education, and that education is always provided by the state. Then when the kids go off to "college" to be further educated to receive a beurocratic position to pay off debt and aquire more things in order to purchase satisfaction, the adults, who at this point may or may not be the biological parents of the child, will be relieved to see them go.

  • love = romance, television and media will be used to teach that love equals romance and that conflict is a sign of hatred. This, along with easy divorce laws, are important because if people were to realize that conflict is to be dealt with by remaining in relationships they would accidentally stumble upon a profound source of satisfaction in relationships that costs no money. This idea will be expanded to include churches, political parties, as well as families. Ideally no relationship will ever survive any conflict, the only relationship that will remain conflict free will be the individuals relationship with the state, that will be easily accomplished through marketing campaigns via the internet, television and other entertainment media. Any conflict that may occur with the state will be easily resolved by allowing the person to simply change political parties, the conflict being attributed not to the state but to the political party being left.
The ideal lifecycle for a modern slave would be this: Born, as soon as possible placed into daycare so mom can go back to work, watches television most waking hours, put in school as soon as possible (we don't want the kid to "fall behind" do we?), any time the kid is not at school he is either with peers or with parents, but only with parents or other adults under the supervision of the television to control the possible subject matter of the conversation, graduates high school, gets student loan, further rebels against any remaining moral standards while in college, graduates college, school debt is now due, gets a corporate or bureaucratic gig, goes to work 8 hours a day, goes home watches television at night, mows the lawn on Saturday, watches football on Sunday, repeats. Retires from job, becomes ward of the state (because kids are busy working to care for him, nor is their relationship sufficient to really care anyway), goes to adult version of daycare (nursing home), watches television most waking hours, dies.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Maniac Muslim Suicide Terrorists

Where do they really happen? Maybe I'm not well informed, but it just struck me that I can't recall there being really a significant number suicide or terrorist attacks in the US or in Western Europe carried out by Muslim extremists. The only attacks I can think of are 9/11 and 7/7, the motives of both of which are seriously in question to say the least. Then there is the Madrid bombing, and I'm not to up on the legitimacy on that story. And the 1993 WTC bombing, which was probably the closest to being a real terrorist attack, and it was pretty much a complete failure in terms of what it intended. I can't really think of a whole lot more.

I mean, I can think of hundreds of scenarios that have been imprinted in my mind from shows like "24" and from movies, but I can't really recall actual factual attacks.

Seems like the main place that suicide and terrorist attacks take place are in places where we have occupying forces. Outside of that it seems to me like they are very very very rare, despite the fact that we're all expected to believe that at any moment some crazy jihadist is going to jump out of the bushes and blow us all up.

I just watched the movie "Traitor" with Don Cheadle, it's not bad, but it's premise is these Muslims blowing up crap all over the world. It actually has a nice balance of pointing out bad US policy and showing that Islam isn't just a seething cauldron of evil, but it still had this premise that there are these bad Muslims that are going to bomb the US and kill a lot of Americans at any moment.

The problem is that it never happens. 9/11 is the sole precedent of evil on the scale that would even come close to justifying the terror threat level, the Dept of Homeland Security, the war against terror, etc. And personally I'm pretty much convinced that Muslims in the caves of Afghanistan had almost nothing to do with 9/11, and I'm for sure that Muslims in Iraq had nothing to do with it. If you're not convinced you might want to do some googling on it and take a look at and watch the documentary "Loose Change". I know, I know, it's a lot of reading, and the idea that 9/11 went down in any way contrary to the "official" story is an idea that you've been conditioned to respond to in a certain way. But it might do you some good to see what someone besides Fox News has to say on the subject.

We keep getting told that there is this enemy out there that hates us and wants to kill us. But really, unless I'm just mind blocked or ignorant of hundreds of acts of real terrorism, it seems like almost all suicide "terror" attacks are directed at getting foreign troops out of an occupied land, and almost none of these attacks are directed at killing evil, bacon-eating Americans.

It took me a while to come around, but Ron Paul finally convinced me how stupid our current foreign policies are even if we were under attack by terrorists. I guess it never occurred to me until now the extent to which we really just aren't.

It's actually an uplifting and relieving thought to realize that our supposed enemies are either totally incompetent, or really not all that motivated to attack us. Even better to think that maybe they don't even exist at all. I've had the privilege of traveling to several places on earth that are very poor by American standards. The people I met there didn't seem like they were sitting around plotting America's demise. In many cases the people I met led lives that were full of rich relationships and meaningful work, and were devoid of addictions to cheap materialism.

On that note here's another lie I just realized. That the rest of the world hates us for our wealth. I really think many of them are laughing at us, or maybe crying for us to change because they see that we've missed the whole point of life. Most of them don't even give us a thought, they're busy tending to their families, their farms, their God, and the few things they treasure.

The ones that hate us have a right. When we send our soldiers to contain and/or kill them, or when we send our corporations to enslave them. I don't like that about us either.

Suppose a foreign army came in an occupied your town. Supposed in their search for the "bad guys" they killed your wife and children. Suppose they wouldn't leave and treated you like the enemy and took away your liberties. How would you respond? I think I'd do what I could to get them to leave. Someone pointed me to the book "Dying to Win" which seems to support the hunch I'm having with actual facts and research, I'll have to check it out. When it comes to gauging how much the average Muslim hates me, I've come to the conclusion I can almost completely dismiss terrorist attacks in countries where there is an occupying foreign army, and that's pretty much the ONLY place where this kind of terrorism happens. With this aside, it seems now our differences are cultural and theological, things we can work through and discuss.

This realization is uplifting to me. I can now much more clearly focus on "sticking to the man", and not worry so much about the Muslim, except in gaining his friendship and assistance. It sure seems like it would make it easier for me to tell him about Jesus if I saw him as a human being and a friend, instead of a suicidal maniac.