Friday, January 2, 2009

Liberia, Hope for the Ideals of Liberty

There are some great things happening in Liberia, and I believe that are our founders principles of liberty at work as God begins to move through the nation. I am volunteering with a group that is working to change the nation of Liberia by bringing the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the message that God demands responsibility for liberty, and the message of love for your neighbors and community. Not only are we bringing a message, but there has grown a network of pastors and churches ready to put those words into action in thier own families and communities. I think God is ready to make a significant change in Liberia and possibly the world!

Here's a video to explain it more:

Many of you know I've been spending some time in Liberia, West Africa working with my church Fresh Start Fellowship and the West African Children's Support Network (WACSN) to try to help cause some positive change in that country. Truthfully we are simply trying to keep up with God as He moves to heal a nation, we want to be there to see it happen! For a small group of people I think we have been a part of some pretty big things up to now, we have delivered a container of food to help feed people, we have purchased a new generator to help power the compound where WACSN keeps it's base of operations, we have purchased a van that WACSN uses to help get people around town as well as provide a source of income for the facility, we're implementing an Internet connectivity plan to help aid communications and opportunities for business ventures, and most importantly we've been dedicated to helping the orphans in Liberia, by ensuring they are being fed and well kept, and by helping with the adoption expenses of some of our friends who have opened their homes and families to Liberian children. Our small church currently has 16 Liberian children as important members of our fellowship.

These are all great things. The people of Liberia need our support, their country is in ruins from years of war. If you think the American economy is bad, a look at the city of Monrovia will have you counting your blessings, they need our help, our money, and our time just to stay alive. However, I truly believe that the answer to the problems in Liberia lies within Liberians. This is why I am very excited about the "How Big Is God?" Crusade that we are planning March 27,28 & 29 at the soccer stadium in Monrovia, Liberia. This event will draw over 50,000 people per night to hear the Gospel, and the good plans God has for their nation if they will turn to Him and love each other.

I know, I know, you're thinking, "Great, ANOTHER big event to make people feel good, and then leave them holding their hats while the Americans fly home to the abundance that is their everyday life." And you'd be justified in thinking that way, we've all seen these kind of events come and go. I'm sure many Africans and Americans for that matter have come to a crusade or event and heard the word of God and maybe they even responded to it, only to go right back to the life they lived before once the crusade packed up and left town. But let me tell you, I think God has different plans for this crusade, I really believe in my heart that he is going to heal the nation of Liberia. It's not going to be through fantastic presentations of the Gospel, or the great music, or even the personal testimonies that will be given on that stage during the nights of the crusade. I think the difference here is that the Liberian Church is mobilized and excited about taking the opportunity of this event to reach out to and love the people in their communities.

When we went to Monrovia in August of 2008 we had the privilege of leading a pastors conference. To our amazement almost 200 pastors showed up for the 3 day event and listened to some no name Americans (Kris Ewbank and Bryan Bishop) tell them about their role as pastors. How they had to flee from the prosperity teaching that is so prevalent in Liberia and cling to the sufficiency of the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ. They talked at length about how the pastors had to reach out and know and love their people, going to their homes, knowing their problems, and encouraging and admonishing them to live a life pleasing to God. The response to this simple message was incredible. At the conference the pastors were very enthused, but it wasn't until after we had come home and received calls from Liberia a couple of weeks later did we hear that the Liberian pastors had organized themselves into a network that has grown to over 1000 pastors representing 800 Churches of every Christian denomination. They are excited about loving their people, and teaching them to love God and their neighbors. They are breaking down denominational barriers in order to pursue a vision of reaching their city for God's Glory and I think this will be the key part to the healing of the nation of Liberia.

The How Big Is God crusade is being completely organized by these pastors, they are meeting together, planning, even going door to door to promote the event. The vision is to come together as a unified church and worship God, and in doing so, connect the people of Monrovia with churches and pastors ready to receive, Love, and encourage them. Basically we will be jump starting a grassroots effort that will reach deep into every community in the largest city in Liberia. The message will be that each and every Liberian is empowered and responsible to change their city, by establishing themselves as Godly households led by men and women in Love with Jesus, by accepting the burden and responsibility of feeding and caring for their own families and their own communities, and by reaching out in love to the people in their communities, not because of their religion or lack of it, but simply because they see them as image bearers of their Creator and desire to love them as Christ who, while we were still sinners, died to save us.

The motto of the country of Liberia is "The Love of Liberty Brought us Here". It was founded by freed American slaves who had a vision to take the ideals of liberty to Africa. Many may believe that that dream was shattered long ago. I tend to think that the principles of liberty are always true and will always work, and to struggle for those principles will always be a worthwhile effort. Looking to America, or the UN, or even their own government to fix Liberia is a time proven exercise in futility. When Liberians look toward the One who gave them their Liberty in the first place and when they willingly take on the burden that God requires for that Liberty, then as God heals their land we will see a nation transformed. And that will be something to see, especially from the front row!

So here's the skinny. It's a known fact that America is inflating it's currency and the value is continuously dropping, However, the fact of the matter is that it still buys stuff. And for this crusade to be a success we need to buy some stuff. Sound equipment, bus rental, printing, advertising, training of staff, all kinds of things. The Liberians are doing great putting the plan together, in fact they have done most of the work and they have also provided the cost estimates for the things we're raising money for. At Fresh Start Fellowship we're all excited about giving because we've caught the vision of what God is doing is Liberia. I hope you have too in a small way. What we're doing is this, you simply buy one or more $10 tickets on ebay to help support the crusade, or you can go to the crusade website to learn more and be a part in other ways.

Even if your not a Christian, I'm sure you can see that what we're doing here is at least worth $10.00. I mean what could be wrong with people coming together in unity and taking personal responsibility to love ALL their neighbors and fix their communities? So dig deep, well not that deep, dig as deep as you would to go see the latest Hollywood mind drain, I'm sure this will be more interesting in the end than anything corporate America could throw at you anyway!


PS: All donations go toward crusade expenses and to assist ministries in Liberia. Donations go to WACSN, Inc, a 501.3c non-profit and are tax deductible as no goods or services will be rendered to you for the donation. WACSN is also verified by