Monday, August 24, 2009

My Recipe...for DISASTER!

I was making a peach cobbler the other day with fresh peaches. So I was boiling the peaches and was left with this pink peachy liquid, and I thought to myself, mmm, this might make a good soda. So I filtered it, added some sugar, put it in a 2 liter pop bottle and added some yeast...then I forgot about it.

The next day I received a frantic call at work from one of my kids, there had been an explosion in the kitchen...I remembered.

Yes, the yeast consumed the sugar producing carbon dioxide (as it is supposed to), however I may have put to much yeast in and I might have let it go a little long. The results were spectacularly disastrous:

The explosion literally blew the cabinet doors in half, not just open, the wood splintered down the middle, both doors:

The bread machine was sitting in front of the cabinet on top of the fridge prior to the explosion:

Here is what is left of the bottle, the lid stayed on, that probably helped:

Well by God's grace no one was near the explosion, Julie and the kids were in the other room, studying the sun, right when they read about solar flares they heard a big boom!

I'm sure there is some deep lesson for me in here somewhere, but I'm still just reveling in the awesomeness of it all!

I will have to modify my recipe and fermenting procedures moving forward. I thought it was pretty cool. Julie, well, not so much...:)