Before you speak disparagingly about all the people in your city who are not working and living off welfare, or about the financial bailouts, or national healthcare please first ask yourself some questions:
- Have I taken someone under my wing and taught them how to work, or do I assume that everyone was raised in such a way to develop a good work ethic?
- Do I spend my money in such a way that would support the jobs in my local economy, or am I motivated mostly by fashionable corporate trends and immediate savings?
- Do I invest my money in such a way that creates business and job opportunities in my local economy, or do I only concern myself with tax sheltering and monetary bottom line value?
- When I die will the wealth I have accumulated stay in my local economy, or will it be distributed to my children who have moved to urban centers in order to get the few remaining non-foreign jobs with the companies that my retirement investments financed and my spending habits support?
- Have I taken political action to reform the welfare system that I speak so virulently about, or do I secretly love it because it provides a way that I don't have to spend my time and money personally helping to "those" people?
- Does my argument against welfare come from a position of integrity or do I find myself supporting other forms of welfare without so much as questioning them such as agricultural programs, public schools, foreign military bases, government flood insurance, etc?
- Do I go on and on about the evils of our government bail outs, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief because much of my retirement savings was invested in the Wall Street financial sector instead of in local enterprises?
- Is my house, car, furniture, and church building nicer than it would have been if we would have had to help the poor in our community instead of turning that responsibility over to government and then griping about it?
- Do I argue vehemently about how we cannot afford the banker bailouts and nationalized healthcare, and wax eloquently about how these programs will never work and will actually harm the very things they are intended to protect, but never question the expenses and harms of our undeclared wars, unpopular foreign policy and militarism?
- Do I rail on about how big corporations should be punished and regulated and crooked politicians should be recalled or jailed but never question the glue that binds big business to our politicians' purses which is the politically motivated fiat money creating powers of the private Federal Reserve Bank?
- Is my fear of radical islam rational or is my behaviour being motivated by means of a Freudian mind trick playing on my emotions? Why am I not as willing to give my government powers and why is my government not seeking power based on the fear of bee stings or lightening strikes considering that these events kill many more people than do radical muslim terrorists?
- Why do I support the environmental regulation of businesses by the same system that created, by means of it's fiat money powers, our environmentally unsustainable consumption based economy from which it garners it's power?
- Are the policies and actions I support with regard to the state of Israel born out of a faith that God will protect them from their enemies including from a disproportionately militarily ill-equipped Iran or are they born out of a fear that He won't, can't, or isn't real?