Help me stand up to the corruption that has taken over the Republican Party. As you may know our state Republican convention was a disaster. Here's my report on it. Corruption prevailed and Mitt Romney was at the core of it, getting his delegates seated to the RNC despite the fact that they blatantly broke the rules. For a brief and accurate depiction of what happened, check out Ben Swann's story on it here:
I've started a new job, been living in a hotel for a month because of it, and trying to move into a new house, but I'm still committed to going to Tampa. If you want to help the cause of Liberty in Tampa, if you've been waiting to find a way to realy make an impact, I have a solution for you. Help me with some of my expenses.
I'm not a professional activists or politition, I'm a working person, with a wife and seven kids. Standing up for my rights and for my children's future has cost me in time and money, and going to Tampa is just adding to that, but I wouldn't make the sacrifice to my family, our finances, my job, and my time if I didn't think that it was truely worthwhile. Win or lose the establishment of this country need to be confronted with the fact that what they are doing is immoral and unacceptable. I plan to go, educate as many delegates as I can (I will be staying in the convention hotel), and hopefully swing many of them to Liberty. There are literally thousands of liberty activists who will be in Tampa, hundreds of them will be delegates, alternates, and guests within the convention walls, working to make a difference. Bear some of the burden with me and chip in here to help with my expenses:
Sorry, your donations won't be tax deductible, but if Liberty wins, that really won't matter anyway, will it? For that matter, if Liberty loses it won't matter either...
As a quick update, thanks for everyone who donated. I collected almost $1400.00 and was able to make the trip with ease. My facebook timeline during the convention has all the video and comentary, you can check it out here: and scroll back in time on my timeline to the end of August, there'll be plenty to read!
As a quick update, thanks for everyone who donated. I collected almost $1400.00 and was able to make the trip with ease. My facebook timeline during the convention has all the video and comentary, you can check it out here: and scroll back in time on my timeline to the end of August, there'll be plenty to read!