Much of your worldview is shaped not by reason or experience on the subject, but by the inculcation of fear through the application of systematic messages and subtle abuse such as humiliation. Unfortunately many of our beliefs regarding religion and politics are formed this way. This is a misuse of this function of your mind which is designed to protect you from traumatic events. In fact the symptoms of post traumatic stress are caused by this same mechanism in your mind. When a stimuli similar to the trauma is encountered, the mind starts to attempt to protect itself from the trauma by triggering the neural pathways created from the original trauma.
This technique actually creates biological neural pathways in your brain, actual physical alignments of your neurons that "fire" a certain way upon encountering the stimuli a they were formed around. I call them mental firewalls. So your response is more like a mechanical movement than it is a rational reflection. Like Pavlov's dog who could be stimulated to drool upon the ringing of a bell, it was a biological mechanical reaction, not the response to a rational conclusion.
So it shouldn't be surprising that if you disrupt the ability for these established neural pathways to fire in response to stimuli, that you'd free the person's mind to consider what they actually THINK about the stimuli. The physical nature of these pathways is such that they can be disrupted with electromagnets, it can also be done with drugs.
Here is an example of scientist using electromagnets to accomplish bypassing the minds mental firewalls:
If you don't have an electromagnet or drugs you can also use words. If you can begin a thought process in the person's mind using words that do NOT trigger the "firewall" of preconditioned neural pathways, and then suddenly link by analogy or metaphor that idea to an idea that does trigger the stimuli, then you create a kind of conflict or paradox, a cognitive dissonance that the mind will work to resolve ultimately "rewiring" the neural pathway that make up the firewall.
For instance, if I show you a suffering child, and then I show you the child healed and happy, I've safely entered your mind without triggering your firewalls (or at least without triggering the firewalls I'm attacking). Then I tell you that the child was healed with marijuana. Since marijuana is a word that triggers an inculcated fear response (a firewall word), the thought of the healed child conflicts with the irrational fear of marijuana, and eventually weakens or rewrites the neural pathways associated with that irrational fear.
If you consider that in our culture religion, education, and politics are highly standardized and interrelated you can see that there are many people operating almost exclusively out of paradigms built upon these firewalls. Almost like zombies in that they are not living a life based on beliefs they have reasoned through and come to own, but are simply responding to stimuli that either trigger a pre-programmed mental firewall or not. This creates a pseudo objective reality that can be controlled through propaganda. With this in mind you also see the importance of spreading ideas that tear down these firewalls and force people to consider reality with their own minds.