Monday, July 16, 2007

Jebb Stewart -- Time Machine

If you've come here to find where to get beer steins from the event click here. If you're wanting a T-shirt from the event click here.

I had a great time Saturday night. My friends put on one heck of a show. It was almost like a religious experience for me. It's funny how music can really just take you back in time. Most people have music that when they hear it just takes them back to a place in their past. In our case it's the music of Jebb Stewart, a little band that not many people have even heard, but to those that have it might as well be Aerosmith (the old Aerosmith).

I sat in the old padded flip down seats in the Royal Theatre and soaked in all the music and my mind just drifted back to the great times we had. Many friends showed up that I have not seen in a long time and it really made for an evening to remember. All in all I'd say that a couple hundred people showed up, I really wasn't paying attention to that. Jebb Stewart played until little after midnight and Jigawatt Box played till about 2:30 or 3:00. Both bands were excellent.

I wonder sometimes if the little town of Fairview really knows the kind of talented people that are floating in and out of their community. Many of them can't really get past the fact that people were consuming beer while enjoying the music, some people were even seen dancing (gasp!). Oh well, it's their loss, I'd hate to go through life and miss out on good friends, good music and good beer, all things I thank God for big time!!

For those of you who don't know Jebb Stewart consists of Rick Hudson (lead and vocals), Jeff Woods (drums), and Willie Adamson (bass). Rick and his wife and son are getting ready to move to Kentucky where his wife is going get her Phd, and where Rick is going to see what he can make of the music scene there. Jeff lives in OKC and is an electrician, he also plays in a really good band in OKC called Lemma, check them out if you are ever in OKC. Willie lives in Fairview and does oil field mineral leasing. He plays in the other band that played that night called Jiggawatt Box. They were excellent! These guys are so talented, it's really fun listen to and watch them play.

Here's some video I took so you can get a little taste of the evening. They recorded the show from the soundboard so as soon as I get a hold of that I'll point you to it. I think there were some other videos made, and I'll post them when I get them.


Anonymous said...

It truly was a night to remember. It is a special time when old friends can reunite and celebrate with some good music while consuming a good beer.

It's amazing to me how really good friends can not see each other for years and then pick up on a conversation almost as though they had never been apart. I think that's the mark of true friendship.

The music was amazing and was absolutely worth the flight from Colorado.

Also, in regard to people from Fairview knowing how blessed they are, I hope that they know. I really like the community, the sense of family, and the down-home feeling of the town. I grew up in a similar town (Pryor), but have been away for several years now. I can't say that I regret leaving, but I can say that I miss that hometown feeling and having that type of friends and family close by. I can't imagine that Pryor and Fairview are the only towns that have this much talent and community, but by the flip-side of the same coin I'd be very surprised if the two towns couldn't go toe-to-toe with the best and brightest in any town across the country.

The values that I was raised with are also very evident in Fairview. I only hope that I can pass on that same set of values to my child as she grows. I'll have to bring her back to Fairview sometime soon for some pond fishing and 4-wheeling on the ATV. People need to be exposed to that type of fun. I think it's good for the soul.

fiodax said...

Maybe next time we'll actually catch some fish...

Anonymous said...

Dude, I don't know what your problem was I caught 5...

Anonymous said...

Apparently it was a big weekend for music in Oklahoma. This is footage from a concert that they put on in Pryor (my home town).