Sunday, February 18, 2018

Painful Symptoms

It seems like the institutionally abandoned, morally devoid, and socially misfit young white male with family problems to mass murdering school shooter pipeline is a fairly specific pathology. Maybe we should figure that out too while we're failing to take everyone's guns again. Is a society that creates people like that really all that better off just because we figure out how not to give them guns? I mean maybe we shouldn't let people like that have guns, but maybe we should try to help people not become like that too? The problem is that these kind of problems typically aren't something you can pawn off to the state, forget about, and go along your merry way. I think there may be something terribly wrong with us if our activism in the face of these now very typified events are completely focused on yelling at politicians and at each other about gun control and none of it is focused on what is wrong with our communities and institutions such that we are repeatedly manifesting this very specific homicidal ideation in young men. The gun control argument is primarily a convenient scapegoat that we all know will ultimately fail, which is OK, because then we won't have to deal with any actual change, and we can still blame it on the politicians instead of taking any real personal and possibly uncomfortable ownership of the problem. Taking the blame like this is one of the reasons a corrupt and perverse political class can persist despite their obvious incapacity to be anything like something we ought to respect. It's the true value exchange, power in exchange for blame. The school shootings are a painful symptom. Blaming politicians is just a pain killer.