Maybe oversharing, but that's what I do sometimes: In the past 10 or 12 years, by being blessed with positive interactions with some amazing people I've been cured of marijuanaphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and most recently, through a series of events that I regard as almost miraculous, the last vestiges of some lingering trans and homophobia have finally evaporated away
These are real hangups that kept me from being able to relate to people, and they also kept me from knowing myself. They keep a person from self-discovered epiphanies. Instead you mindlessly repeat the dead habits of culture passed to you and accepted by you without examination.
These phobias are the breeding ground of demons, take that figuratively or literally, it doesn't matter. They are the enemy of faith as they cause you to stereotype, stigmatize, dehumanize, and demonize (create demons out of) the people around you that you should be getting to know and loving and learning from. These phobias live off fear, pride, and ego, all of which I have an abundance of. Believe me.
It was not only through reason alone, but primarily my faith in Christ and through the Church that I've been able to finally put these demons down. I could always understand the reasons, but a moralistic fear often kept me from letting those demons die. I can't really explain the mechanics of it, it is a mystery to me how it came about. But by God's grace I'm glad to finally be free of those oppressors.
I'd recommend everyone do it. The world is a better place when you don't arbitrarily hate people just because you personified them as some kind of demon in your mind based on the group you identify them with.
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